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Mon - Fri: 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 7:30 am - 1:00 pm

Soil Building Systems

SBS is the leading manufacturer and wholesaler of high quality bagged and bulk organic composts, soil mixes, mulches and specialty products, serving Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex landscape professionals and gardening enthusiasts since 1972. From the most pristine private gardens to the most prestigious commercial and public installations, SBS is the trusted supplier of quality-certified and finished organic landscaping materials.

Soil Amendments

Compost is a nutrient-rich material for plants created from decomposed organic matter. Compost is added to existing soil (by tilling or blending) to create a fertile and robust environment allowing plants to grow and flourish.

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Mulches provide a protective layer over the root system of plants, which protects the plants from harsh weather conditions in the summer and winter months. This protective layer not only provides a barrier to enhance the moisture retention within the beds below (improves moisture retention up to 75%), but it will also add nutritional value back into the soil as the mulch itself decomposes. However, the most obvious benefit of using mulch is that it enhances the aesthetic value of the beds by creating a uniform appearance.

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Lawn Soils

Lawn mixes are designed to be used when installing sod and/or grass seed and have proven very popular when leveling a lawn. All lawn mixes are fortified with the proper amount of organic material to help establish a healthy lawn. We also offer a superb top dressing, to help green-up your yard naturally.

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Sand comes in various coarseness, cleanness, and colors. SBS carries screened, unscreened and washed sands.

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Rock can be used for aesthetic value, as well as to aid in drainage. We carry all shapes and sizes of decomposed granite, gravel, crushed granite, river rock, crushed limestone, native rock, and expanded shale.

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Dirt can be used to build the base of a berm, to fill a hole, or to build up around the foundation of a house. In addition it can be mixed with organic compost to make a rich soil blend.

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Landscaping Soils

Bedding Mixes are available in various compost ratios depending upon your installation and planting objectives. The mixes are designed to supply the appropriate amount of nutrients to your plants while keeping the soil open for easy root growth, proper aeration, and maintaining optimum moisture retention. SBS bedding mixes contain precisely measured blends of heat-sterilized fully composted organics, screened deep sand and finely screened soil. Depending upon your specific application and preference, the bedding mix you choose may additionally contain decomposed cotton burrs or dairy compost. SBS mixes require little or no tilling, for easy installation.

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